Happy New Year!

Perhaps I’m a little late with the sentiment, but my current thinking is a new year means a new start. A chance to take a fresh look at things and decide if there are changes to be made. For us here at Angel Eden that means rethinking issues such as packaging as well as collections. I find these kind of tasks quite exciting, browsing samples of boxes and ribbons might seem mundane to some, but when the combination is right for your business it feels like a real accomplishment.

January is also traditionally a month to be frugal, after the excesses of the holiday season and the excitement of sales we all usually feel a need to tighten our belts. In the spirit of this I’ve been looking about my house wondering what old items I might renew. I’ve pondered with the idea of reupholstering some chairs but find the reality slightly daunting. Repainting or stripping furniture is always an appealing option. I have recently discovered a wonderful product called ‘Home Strip’ it’s a non toxic paint & varnish remover. It works brilliantly and all without toxic fumes or the need for a gas mask.

This idea of reusing and recycling has perhaps unsurprisingly made it’s way into our jewellery of late as well. As a constant fan of the sparkly and girly things in life I’ve always been attracted to the grandeur of antique chandeliers. The reality in terms of space and setting means I don’t actually own one of these beauties, but if I ever have room for a banqueting table you can be sure that one of these will take pride of place above it. It is possible however to find discarded chandelier drops in some antique stores. Obviously they all vary in terms of size and colour, but if you can find a use for them you can add a bit of grandeur to your own home.

We have taken some of our favourite finds and turned them into jewellery. I would love to hear what others think of these, obviously they are all unique by their very nature and I’m incredibly enthusiastic about them but it would be great to hear some outside opinions.

As a final note if you like me are a fan of vintage sparkly delights we our offering our customers 15% off this collection on our website. The 15% will be refunded back to you via paypal after purchase.

Please leave a comment and you will also be entered into our first competition of the new year to win a pair of chandelier drop earrings.